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How To Build Easy Small Statues

Do you think the world is a better place if it’s filled with statues? I do. I mean, what could be more beautiful than life-sized sculptures of people and animals in your favorite places?

If you’re not convinced yet, just think about how cool it would be to have a statue garden! All the best things are made even better when they’re replicated in stone.

Below are some easy to build statue ideas for your next world! As you can see IanBalisy took all the hard work out of it for you as you can easily just copy his design. Of course there are other alternatives you could come up with but these are a great start!

These would fit in great just randomly in the survival jungle or say to guard your castle keep.

If you have other similar ones please share them with us below in the comments! We would love to see them.

Designed by: IanBalisy

What to use statues for in Minecraft?

The world of Minecraft is a vast and diverse place with many different landscapes. One of the most popular things to do in this game is build structures, statues, or anything really! However, if you want your creations to be permanent, it’s important that you know how to make them out of stone.

There are many statues in the world of minecraft. From a few blocks of stone to an epic statue made from gold, there are no shortages of ways to make your own. Statues can be used for decoration, as a tribute or memorial, or as part of a build such as in gothic churches and castles.

Without further ado lets see the step by step to build statues in Minecraft.

01 - Set of Four Small Kneeling Statues 03 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 04 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 05 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 06 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 07 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 08 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 09 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 10 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas 11 - Small Kneeling Statues easy build for miencraft ideas

01 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 02 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 03 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 04 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 05 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 06 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 07 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 08 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 09 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 10 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 11 -Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 12 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 13 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 14 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 15 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build 16 - Minecraft small statues for worlds easy to build

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NOTE: We are not the original builders of the content we share but we always get proper credit and link to the original source. If you are the creator and we are not giving you proper credit or want your build to be removed please let us know! We will be happy to work with you.

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