A special time of TheReawakens, here to bring you a bunch of creations
Server IP: play.reawakens.net
Website: www.reawakens.net
A new creation from TheReawakens server, in the special event “Days of Creations”, where we will bring a lot of great content to all of you guys. We will bring you some of the smaller great projects, but also some of the large scale that have been long in the making.
Twelveth day of “Days of Creations” The Bridge City of Non Anor:
A big new project in a snowy landscape, located above a big river/lake. The bridge city is placed between two mountain ranges with a big river inbetween. the city devides two levels of the river, with frozen waterfalls underneath. Behind the city spaceship dockings and a big dam is located, the dam devides the upper layer of the bridge river and the top river level.
On the bridge a city is located, in a medieval, victorian style, same as the bridge itself. Around the bridge spaceships and dockingstations are located.
The Build includes:
A big bridge, houses, temples, space ships, docking stations, waterfalls and much more!
Made by cjrainbolt

Minecraft Building Inc
We are a community searching and sharing the best and most inspirational Minecraft builds out there! This is a great place for all building ideas. We post anywhere from small to massive projects, seeds, designs, tips, how to's and more!
NOTE: We are not the original builders of the content we share but we always get proper credit and link to the original source. If you are the creator and we are not giving you proper credit or want your build to be removed please let us know! We will be happy to work with you.