The Builder: jduartemiller
This is a design based heavily on the Cayan Tower in Dubai by SOM and the Evolution Tower in Moscow by Tony Kettle and RMJM, but it attempts to make a 180 degree twist (technically 165. revised this in the description. sorry). The tower itself has a simplified facade compared to Cayan, where it is just glazing with glowstone lighting up the corners of the tower expressing the
twisting contour. On the roof is an extensive green roof overgrown by jungle and birch trees. This is to add a new level for the idea of a green roof making a small ecosystem in the tower. This part of the toweris meant to be ventilated, yet still hold the shape of the tower
Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 192 (tower base is 25 x 25)
Using High Rossferry City Texture Pack
how do i open the schematic file?