Minecraft Redstone Robot Colossus. Coming to a village near you soon. The most advanced piece of redstone I have ever made. Fully functional and controllable by a single player.
This video explains how you can operate it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbJpCSQwr_g
Feel free to leave a diamond if you want to help give this build more exposure.
I have been working on this on and off since december. But it is finally done now. I must have put at least 50 hours into this thing. But its finally freaking done.
Music: Act of Instinct by Frank Klepacki
Buy it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/command-conquer-ea-games-soundtrack/id83191872
Be sure to check out Frank Klepacki’s website for more awesome music: http://www.frankklepacki.com/index.html
Many thanks to Meri the LapisDemon for helping me record the footage: https://www.youtube.com/user/LapisDemon
Also major shoutout to Panda4994 for providing me with an experimental client to record the footage in slow motion. It looks so much better because of it.
● The best start/stop engine ever made.
● Humanoid body and legs.
● Double mini Nuke cannons. Whipes out everything in its path.
● Move-able reload system for mini Nuke cannons.
● Toggle-able precision Longbow Missile System
● Sequential Tomahawk Missile Launcher
● Elevator docking bay.
● Sky Elevator
● Move-able storage
● Slimeblocks, Pistons & Redstone Blocks
● No Command Block & Redstone Dust
Texturepack: Thebaum64_skyonly