Just one world with buildings from more than 54 cities all around the world…
Agra, Auckland, Austin, Berlin, Boston, Brasilia, Brussels, Caen, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, Giza, Hong-Kong, Hollywood, Houston, Istanbul, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Las-Vegas, Lille, Lisbon, London, Los-Angeles, Madrid, Manila, Monterrey, Montreal, Moscow, New-York, Paris, Philadelphia, Pisa, Quebec, Rio, Rio-Antirrio, Roma, Rotterdam, Rushmore Mount, Saint Petersburg, San-Francisco, Seattle, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, St-Louis, Sydney, Taipei, Tokyo, Toronto, Venice and Washington
The big new is the UFO building (coordinates -951,10,89), which can teleport anyone in the city of his choice. Useful to quickly travel across the map.
Don’t forget to visit the latest additions : Berlin, Brussels, Hollywood, Istanbul, Jakarta, St.Petersburg, Seoul and Venice.