Hello and welcome to MixcraftHD
Mixcraft HD is a classic resource pack that reflects on the default pack and add a nice HD layer to it which really helps upgrading your minecraft experience. MixcraftHD gives a nice HD makeover to your favorite sandbox game. This resource pack works fine on any map for the most part.
Important announcement:
Mixcraft HD was originally created by Nether Resident. In 2013 he announced that there will be no further development on the resource pack from his side. In his own words the resource pack belongs to anyone who wants to work on it. I have been a huge fan of this pack since 2011, the Project Zearth team decided to keep the development on this amazing resource pack going. This page will keep updating this classic resource pack. In the original creators own words, this resource pack belongs to anyone and we respect that. But we do not accept anyone using the parts of this updated resource pack for their own work.
Devolpment on 1.9 update is undergoing. Project Zearth team will keep updating this resource pack.
Additional Credits: I want to thank Nether Resident as the original creator for blessing us with amazing resourcepack. It has moved many people and myself so many times and shaped my Project Zearth map since the early ages and still is. I have reserved my loyalty to this resourcepack since the first time I ecnountered it, and the team is proud and honored to keep it in development. I also want to thank Lorpie_The_Pie for editing the screenshots together. (Project Zearth team member). Also exclusive credit to BerenSaelor which has much influence on this resourcepack development.(Project Zearth team member).