In a game made of cubes, we know it isn’t immediately obvious how to make a Minecratf circle.
Sometimes a cylinder or sphere is exactly what you need to complete your build, like if you’re creating a tower, globe, or any cool Minecraft builds you can imagine.
In this article, we’ll walk you through all the ways to make a circle on Minecraft step by step.
Don’t worry, it’s really easy!
Quick List
How To Use A Minecraft Circle Chart
Circle charts are reference images you can use to quickly see exactly where you need to place your blocks, instead of needing to start with inner ‘scaffolding’.
Just search for the width you need and follow along with the guide picture.
The disadvantage of a circle chart is that they are fixed images, so it’s more difficult to modify to your needs if you want something specific to your build.
However it’s useful to see exactly how long each edge needs to be and can help you calculate the dimensions much faster.
How To Build A Circle From Scratch
To build a circle, the first thing you need to know is your desired diameter. It’s important to note that the smaller the shape, the less circular an appearance you’ll be able to achieve.
A larger circle means you can make the edges change much more gradually, giving you a much more attractive result.
The process will be a little different depending on whether you want an odd or even diameter, so we’ll take a look at an example for both cases.
Circle Odd Diameter
For example a 15 block one. Start by placing 15 blocks in a straight line, marking the center (the 8th block across) with an additional block perpendicular to it.
Then place 6 more in each direction from the middle. Your aim is to create a cross of the same length as the size of the circle you want.
Next, it’s time to create the longest edges. Put down 2 blocks on each end of the cross in both directions, so you have 5 blocks on all 4 sides.
On each side, place 2 blocks diagonally from the edge in the same direction as it. You should now be able to connect all edges with a single diagonal block again. Congratulations – you’ve made a circle!
Circle Even Diameter
The difference between circles of odd and even diameter are that even-length shapes also must have an even number of blocks on each side.
This means that instead of your inner cross having a thickness of 1, it needs to be 2 wide.
Lets say for a 14 block circle. To build it, place 2 rows of 14 blocks next to each other, forming a 2 by 14 rectangle. As before, mark the center point with 2 additional blocks on each side of the 7th and 8th blocks, then add 6 more in each direction.
Ensure that the whole center cross is 2 blocks in width.
After that, you’ll need to place 2 more blocks on each side of each end of the cross to form the edges. Add 1 block to connect the edges diagonally and you’re done.
Once you’ve created the circular outline you can fill it in, make the outside thicker, or remove the inner cross depending on your goal for its appearance.
How To Make A Circle With Command Blocks
It’s actually possible to create perfect circles on Minecraft! However, you need to use command blocks to do so. This means it might not have as much practical usage in your builds, but it’s still extremely cool.
You will need a stack of 6 command blocks in the center of where you want your circle to be.
Next, type the following commands in each one:
1. Impulse Command Block
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=circle,distance=..10] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p
2. Chain Command Block
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..2,limit=1] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~
3. Chain Command Block:
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..3,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-7 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:[“circle”],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
4. Chain Command Block:
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..4,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3.5 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:[“circle”],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
5. Repeating Command Block:
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..5,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:[“circle”],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
6. Impulse Command Block:
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~6 ~ {Tags:[“center”]}
After that you will need to place a lever on the bottom command block and a button on the top of the stack.
When you pull the lever, it will trigger blocks to be placed until you pull it again, so you can control whether you want a full circle or just an arc.
Once you’ve pulled the lever a second time, press the button to make the circle edges smooth.
So how does this work? The short version is that it places armor stands precisely aligned to form a perfect circle! Once you press the button on top, the armor stands are turned inwards to give the best appearance.
If you’re interested in learning more about the process of creating a perfect circle, check out this awesome video which explains the background and goes into more detail on how it works.
Use An Online Tool
If you’re looking for some more flexibility in your desired circle or oval shape, an online tool can help you figure out how to adapt the design. A template generator like this is a great example.
All you need to do is set the height and width you want (the unit is of course blocks!) and it will not only generate a chart for you, but also tell you how many total blocks you’ll need to build it.
You can set different styles such as the outline thickness or whether you want to fill the shape or not. You can also adjust the size/scale of the chart and download it for future reference, or to share with others.
Minecraft Circles – FAQ
What is a perfect circle?
According to math a circle is a collection of points which are the same distance to the center of the shape (equidistant).
The perfect circle mathematically speaking does exist but it is not really the case in the physical world, it may look like it to our eyes but it is not if measure to perfection.
Why do you need circles in Minecraft?
In real life and Minecraft building there are many things that might need a circle shape on it. For example if you are building a church in Minecraft then you can add a dome on it. If you are building a castle, you can add towers in the corners in its corners with a circular shape.
There are many other things you can build with this, circle tables, mirrors, door frame, the top of a fireplace, etc. Options are endless.
Final Words
We know you can find this image in a lot of other sites and forums and that this one is really old but it does not mean it is not useful, it will work as good as any other Minecraft circle chart you can find online.
Resources like this circle chart or a dye chart for Minecraft is good to save them, so download the image or bookmark this page to make it easier to come back to it.
That’s it for our guide on how to make a circle on Minecraft. Now your castle builds will look better than before!
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great job this really helped
really helped me build a circle house
this chart helped me build the maze bank from gta 5
This chart helped me build the maze bank tower from gta 5
sorry for posting twice it didn’t go the first time on my computer