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District 127 – Memory Of The Aashes

Hi guys. Now, it’s time to go outside of my comfort zone. I stop to build trees and medieval stuff, now I go somewhere else, in a far far away galaxy….

District 127 – Memory of the ashes –


The project :
This big project is my first Science fiction build.
Size of the landscape : 2500×3500
size of the big sphere : something like 800 blocks for the diameter, 250 blocks in high

I have to say some words about the title “Memory of the ashes”… I would like to write the whole story, but it’s too complex for me to make the traduction in English. So, I’ll just write a tiny summary !

Thousands years ago, the scientific community of that world predicted a very bad situation. All of them were agree about one point ; “5478 years later, our planet will pass trought a very large asteroid field.” Knowing that point, all the population started to build huge underground towns and also some observatories on the surface.
After this disaster, only 17% of the people were still alived, and only 10% of the underground structures were safe.

The District 127 is one of the last structures on the surface that haven’t been destroyed. When the situation came back to a “normal” way, the surface was definitlely uninhabitable. To preserve the memory of the nature, the district 127 was repaired. Now, it’s like a museum. A place where people come for their holidays. Here, you can walk as you want, go to the zoo, the restaurant…
The town on the middle is called “the hive”. Most of those flats are rentals for the holidays .

Well, that’s all ^^ Sorry for that short story writed with a bad English, but I did my best :p

To visit the map :
When you will spawn for the first time, you will not be in the district 127, the big sphere. No, for the moment, you are in a underground train station. You can visit what you want. The important information here is : to go to the district 127, you have to find the red hardened clay, panels. And after that, you just have to follow the instructions. Good luck ^^

Français :

Le projet :
Cette grande construction est la première que je réalise dans un style science-fiction.
Le paysage de base mesure 2500×3500
La taille de la sphère est d’environ 800 de diamètre pour 250 blocks de haut.

Si vous avez envie de découvrir un peu l’histoire, le “lore”, comme on dit souvent sur les serveurs, je vous invite a vous rendre aux liens suivant :

Soit par ici – ou – par là aussi !

A savoir pour visiter la map :
Vous allez spawn, la première fois, dans une gare au sous-sol, enfin, si tout va bien… De là, vous devrez trouver les panneaux disposés sur de la terre cuite rouge. Ils vous donneront la route à suivre pour aller à la grande sphère qui est le District 127.
C’est un mini-défi que je vous lance :) La map est grande, si vous partez tout droit en gamemode 1, bonne chance ^^ ah ah, ne m’en voulez pas, y’a pleins de trucs à visiter, je vous donne juste un coup de pouce :)

Additional Credits: Built by: Eremilion


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