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Auschwitz-Birkenau | Oswiecim, Poland

Before we start describing and showing you the next build we want to make really clear that we hope we do not offend anyone, our goal is purely to share great builds and as the builder also described in his profile Noobalid, this it thought to be more of a digital memorial for the victims of the awful things happening in that era and for the survivors. We also wish this to be seen as way to share knowledge with everyone about what happened and hopefully if someone else uses it can be done in the right context. Okay, making that clear let’s describe the build.

As mentioned before, the amazing work was made by Noobalid. The build has a lot of pretty accurate details, they spent lots of time researching, processing and putting together all the information they took from photos and documentaries and we can say it looks like they created a pretty authentic version of both Auschwitz Birkenau and its surroundings. Of course, as you may know some of the history has been deleted to try to hide evidence of the things that happen so it’s possible that you see some details that are inaccurate.

This project is amazing and builder put a lot of work into it. He also recommends to use Isabella II texture pack for the best results on this project. Check out the images below and please be respectful with how you use this build.

AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 2 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 3 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 4 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 5 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 6 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 7 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 8 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 9 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas 10 AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND minecraft building ideas

They also created a construction animation to show a little better how the project progressed. It might not look too good at the beginning but final result was great. If you want to know how the project continues you can visit their site.

AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU, OSWIECIM, POLAND building minecraft animation
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We are a community searching and sharing the best and most inspirational Minecraft builds out there!  This is a great place for all building ideas. We post anywhere from small to massive projects, seeds, designs, tips, how to's and more!

NOTE: We are not the original builders of the content we share but we always get proper credit and link to the original source. If you are the creator and we are not giving you proper credit or want your build to be removed please let us know! We will be happy to work with you.

9 thoughts on “Auschwitz-Birkenau | Oswiecim, Poland”

  1. This is absolutely amazing–I cannot fathom the number of hours you have spent bringing such historically significant places as this to life! Keep up the incredible work. Maybe an Alamo in the future (assuming it isn’t here already and I just haven’t found it)?

  2. Ah I was looking up stuff for a school project on Auschwitz and came across this. This is absolutely stunning and I love that you put the time and effort into giving those who suffered tremendously one of the many memorials they deserve. This is an excellent use of the game and I praise you for it.

  3. Omg. How disrespectful! I cant believe you spent ur time on building something that killed millions of innocent people! I cant even. Juts I speechless on how horrible this is…

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