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World of Worlds 2.7

Just one world with buildings from more than 69 cities all around the world… All known monuments or buildings on the same map.
Agra, Amsterdam, Auckland, Auschwitz camp, Austin, Bahrain, Bangkok, Berlin, Boston, Brasilia, Brussels, Budapest, Caen, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dallas, Detroit, Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, Giza, Hanoi, Hong-Kong, Hollywood, Houston, Istanbul, Jakarta, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, Las-Vegas, Lille, Lisbon, London, Los-Angeles, Madrid, Manila, Monterrey, Montreal, Moscow, New-York, Normandy, Oslo, Paris, Philadelphia, Pisa, Prague, Quebec, Rio, Rio-Antirrio, Roma, Rotterdam, Rushmore Mount, Saint Petersburg, San-Francisco, Seattle, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, St-Louis, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Toronto, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw and Washington.

To easy find a city use The UFO building (coordinates -951, 10, 89), that can teleport anyone in the city of his choice. Useful to quickly travel across the map.

News in v2.7: Amsterdam, Bahrain, Bangkok, Budapest, Copenhagen, Karachi, Oslo, Stockholm and Tel Aviv

MapCrafter View

amsterdam_02 bahrain_03 bangkok_01 budapest_01 copenhagen_03 karachi_01 oslo_03 stockholm_02 tel-aviv_02



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