So… Yeah I know its been a while since I’ve posted anything new on here… Over 2 years now as a matter of fact… But I’m back now, well, I’ve never really been gone. I’ve been active on PMC the entire time that I wasn’t posting anything, but I wasn’t really playing that much Minecraft. I started this project in November of 2014, and it went through 3 or 4 hull iterations until I finally go it correct and decided to proceed with that one, the design you see here.
I built the Ike specifically, because a very close family friend of mine served on her from 1978-1986, and I knew I wanted to build a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, so I chose this one.
It’s been a long time coming but I’ve finally gotten this thing done. It will probably be my last major project, I plan on building new Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga class destroyers and cruisers, so that I can make a CSG with this, and it should be pretty cool. But after that I’ll probably pretty much be done with shipbuilding, not because I’ve fallen out of favor with this awesome game, but because I just wont have time to do anything new. I’m shipping off to boot camp for the marines this June, and after that, I simply wont have the opportunity to play this game, or any games, seeing as I’m going active duty. So enjoy this, my last major project in minecraft, at the very least for the next like 5 years, but probably ever.
Resource Pack: Minecraft Enchanted v1.7.9 128x