Temple Of Blohokaya
I started working on this about 6 months ago so that’s why I haven’t been very active. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the build. Don’t forget to diamond, subscribe and favorite and leave me some feedback! It’s appreciated. <3
*Sorry for all the other buildings on this map download… That world is taken from the DimensionCraft Server ( so the most of the small houses you can find on this map are probably not made by me.
Coordinates to the ‘Temple Of Blohokaya’ x:519 y:4 z:972
* Thank you ”MrBatou” for these beautiful renders.
*Thank you Mazes for your amazing render.
* Thank you “Moustafa74” for your beautiful render.
* Thank you “Kryppt” for your beautiful render.
* And a big thank you to “unhookingnoam” for allowing me to build on your server + All the people on the server coming with ideas! (Server, DimensionCraft:
coordinates: x:519 y:4 z:972
Built by: erikjoel99