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Mayans Ruins

The Mayans are one of my favorites ancient civilizations. For those of you who don’t know, they were one of the biggest civilizations of Mexico which also extended to some areas of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador.

They are recognized for their advance writing system and for common people like me who doesn’t know what that really means, they are known for their amazing pyramids and for their calendar which was supposed to see the end of the world in 2012 lol.

Mayan architecture can still be found in some areas of the south of Mexico and in case you are planing for a vacation, they are also surrounded by really pretty beaches. You have to go to the area known as the Riviera Maya, you will find good food, amazing beaches and cool Mayan ruins like this one.

This built is not necessarily based on any specific Mayan city but it looks a lot to Chichen Itza which is one – if not the most – important Mayan Ruins. If you like to make it more accurate you can look up some pictures but even if you just do it how we are showing here, it will be good enough.

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