No download available, sorry! You must get white listed on there server to view it. Looks like to get whitelisted to the sever you can find more information here.
This really is quite the impressive project!
Building Middle Earth (World of Lord of the Rings) in Minecraft is one of the biggest projects we have seen. There is thousands of active players on this world. This maps is, one of the biggest ones in Minecraft with over 10 gigabytes. So far the white list of over 20,000 makes it a little difficult to join but with some patience your turn will come and you will be able to enjoy this amazing Lord of the Rings world.
How could i join you guys or just see the world
could you make a download link
Unfortunately this is on a server, and you must be white-listed to get on it. You can find all the info here in the description
please give me a link, all the world need them!!!
It is an amzing world why dont you make it downloadeble ?? That would be awesome :D