Hey guys! Here’s a new project I’ve been working on for the last 5 months or so, Le Château des Cieux! I tried to challenge myself with this build by trying to make a house that would have existed in the 1700’s, so no electronics or TV’s.
Based off of the Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte, this french mansion contains 9 bedrooms (22 servant bedrooms), 11 bathrooms (6 servant bathrooms), as well as a large ballroom and an extensive basement. The house showcases the exquisite luxury of living above the clouds, as well as the peaceful tranquility of being away from civilization. The whole estate includes large and small whale-pulled ships, a docking port, an in-ground courtyard, and of course, the chateau!
Built by: Knuckles527
If you’re up for a challenge…
Explore the mansion and try to find the :
– Pipe Organ
– Art Room
– Sunken Ship Fish Tank
– Illuminati Triangle (really hard!)
HD Pictures of the build here : http://imgur.com/a/YM2Ke#0
[toggle title=”Lore” state=”close”]There once lived a rich aristocrat, Edmond Laviosier. He was well respected in society, but was also known to be very concieted and secretive, and his methods were anything but orthodox. Always trying to out-do his fellow patricians, Edmond devised a plan to create the most elegant and grandiose mansion ever concieved. He knew this mansion would require something different, something new, something… revolutionary. While his vision was being constructed, Edmond secretly contacted a group of sorcerers known only as the Moradox Society, and instructed them with the task of enchanting his creation. They only agreed under the condition that they would be granted full access to the grounds, and receive their own quarters within the depths of the mansion. And so on the opening day of the mansion, the sorcerers made the island on which the mansion sat upon, rise into the sky, and bewitched the whales in the waters to soar as high as a birds. However, the sorcerers were not all that they appeared to be. Months after servants began disappearing, their bodies were found by Edmond, mutalated and distorted in the dungeons of the mansion. Scared to tell anyone in fear of the sorcerer’s power, Edmond kept this to himself. In time, Edmond also discovered that the island was being held up by an angel that was intentionally corrupted and enslaved by the sorcerers. He knew that this could inpure magic could last no longer, so one night, Edmond and his best trained guards snuck into the dungeons and prepared to assassinate the sorcerers. However, the sorcerers were nowhere to be found. Before they could tell what was happening, Edmond and his guards were swiftly transported to the edge of the island, where they were cast off, seeming to fall for enternity… Now the mansion is a grim reminder of what could have been, and how one man’s conceited desires lead to his own demise.[/toggle]
/region flag __global__ icemelt deny
/region flag __global__ firespread deny
/region flag __global__ snowmelt deny
If you are not on a bukkit server, then try : /doFireTick false This will turn off fire-spread, but will not disable snow-melt or ice-melt.
awesome !!!!!!! :OOOO