Minecraft Building Inc
We are a community searching and sharing the best and most inspirational Minecraft builds out there! This is a great place for all building ideas. We post anywhere from small to massive projects, seeds, designs, tips, how to's and more!
NOTE: We are not the original builders of the content we share but we always get proper credit and link to the original source. If you are the creator and we are not giving you proper credit or want your build to be removed please let us know! We will be happy to work with you.
I’m so amazed. I never really thought my builds were good and now I understand why……. I’m not good at building!
this needs more likes its simple yet so beautifully made I think a medieval texture pack is in need of this map XD
May i use this for my server?
dude what are the cords???
I have this on my family server and I cant find the city because it spawned me somewhere else.
all I need the is X and Z
I just tested it myself, loaded it up and spawned me right in the middle of the city.
Anyways here they are:
X – 31.615
Z – 814.113