I S O L A T E D _ W O R L D
The human brain is ever so complex. Chemical reactions happening here, and there, and everywhere. The brain is the most powerful thing in existence, it’s an infinite expanse of every emotion possible. It’s a terrifyingly beautiful thing. Our brains work in the most confusing of ways, often working out nowhere near how things are planned. It is colorful, dark. Simple, complex. Beauty, horror. Our brains work on their own, basing off of the chemicals moving through the system. The brain cannot be controlled, it is a secluded universe within each and every skull; a weapon for destruction, and the solution to everything. Everything happening inside your brain cannot even be comprehended by your own brain at once. There is a constant flow of existence, whether it be memories, dialogue, ideas, hypothetical scenarios, etc. It works mysteriously, constantly creating and destroying new life within your own head. It is a world of its own, ever changing. Boredom is simply nonexistent, nothing will forever be something, infinitely. Its an array of chemicals, reacting to each other to create anything- everything. The brain is a work of art on its own. A world of its own, contained within your very own head. The Isolated World.
I started this project the night of March 17th, to use creation of art as a coping mechanism for my anxiety. Stuff had been a little difficult behind the scenes with some people, and it was stressing me out way more than I needed to be. I decided to create this, transferring my own negative energy into art. Positive exchange. Creating art like this is satisfying to me. It keeps me going, I like to create. Creating actually gives my current existence in that time and place a whole new meaning than it had before. It’s like a door to a whole new world, haha. Working on this has kept me going through these past months, it’s given me something to work towards personally. as the weeks passed by, it continued to snowball into what it is now. I hadn’t originally planned to have it on this scale. It was just for fun, and then I realized that it actually means something to me. Through this whole thing I’ve been transferring my ideas and sparks down into a visual representation. I got to a point about a month ago where I had finally burned out, but I set this goal for myself and forced myself to finish it. This dreamscape is by far the most personally meaningful and important thing I have ever created anywhere, not just Minecraft. I am beyond happy and proud of the end result, and it feels wonderful to finally have it out.
I’d like to personally say thanks to the renders, they did such a nice job capturing this project. Much love <3
This is also my Angel Block Society application.
NOTE: This project has floating water, melt-able ice, etc. So if you plan to load the project in game, please put it on a server and use /stoplag to prevent the block updates. Thanks :)
Also, not sure if the download spawns you at the build. If not, cords are roughly
X -3200, Y ~, Z – 3700
Wow. Just wow. It’s awesome! =^-^=