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How To Create a Minecraft Server in PC?

Below are the very easy steps to running your own minecraft sever at home! Please note that you must have a good internet connection at home to allow more then 5 people I would say. Ohh and lots of RAM minecraft loves RAM! There are also a lot of server hostings, we have a quick guide of what you should look for the best option.

Below is a guide created by dreamer97  but we have modified it a bit to make it a little more user friendly and correcting spelling errors

  1. Visit Minecraft.net and download “minecraft_server.1.6.4.exe” (latest version at this time of writing)
  2. Open the “Run” window and enter “cmd”. To get to “run” either click in “start” then “accessories” or use the shortcut “Windows Key+R”.
  3. In the command prompt enter “ipconfig”. This will show you a lot of different information about your computers network details.
  4. Scroll down until you get to “IpV4 address” (It should look something like: Save the last number(s) of it.
  5. In the the same window, now scroll down until you get to “Default Gateway” and copy the numbers (Example
  6. Open your browser (Preferably Internet Explorer) and paste the “Default Gateway” numbers into the address bar .
  7. Now you should see a web page from your internet provider.
  8. Find and click advanced settings then port forwarding. Note all routers are different. (Guides here)
  9. Type whatever name you want.
  10. For start and end port, they have to be 25565 (just that)
  11. As protocol, choose TCP.
  12. In the IP address section,  put only the last number(s) of your computer’s “IpV4 address”. The ones you got in the step 3.
  13. Open a new tab in your browser, go to Google and type “my ip”. Save this number (it’s your IP).
  14. Got to wherever you have the “minecraftserver.exe” file (downloaded in step 1) and execute it.
  15. This will launch minecraft.
  16. Click in multilayer and put your IP (step 13) and port 25565. It should look like this: yourip:25565
  17. That’s all! If you followed all the steps correctly you should be able to load your server :)
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