Journal Log 36
“Stock the storage room. Tie the hooks. Line the rods. Clean the thrusters. Ready the engines- cough cough- were off to sea lads!”
Those orders were given a week ago, and the following five days provided me with six fish, fifteen tires, seven pairs of mismatching boots, a flier’s license from New Jersey of a man by the name Jeff Chips, and IceJJFish’s biggest hit from the 20s.
“Alright we’re approaching the bay. Great work men, we nearly reached one hundred fish!”
The seas aren’t generous, but teams of fishermen do what they can to bring food to humanity’s tables. Real food, at least. Eager to help my family, and those of other hard working men with sons and daughters, I joined the captain’s team two months ago. However, in those two months I’ve only caught eighty-three fish, and the team has barely hit five hundred. My grandfather told me stories of when he was a child. Food was plentiful back then. They created natural food on these land masses called farms, and the fishermen… the fishermen would bring in thousands of fish a day.
The videos of those days feel like science fiction. Green would paint the ground for miles. One could actually look out into the distance without the horizon being obscured by the smog.
But those days aren’t my days. My days involve inhaling toxic fumes, fishing through garbage, worrying about lack of medication for my children, and regretting how much worse it will be for them when they are my age. Yes my days are very different from the days of the past, when we had less to concern ourselves with.
Project Theme
The central message of this build is one that is told often, but not one that should ever cease to be told. As inhabitants of Earth, it is our responsibility to respect Her and take care of Her. While the build may focus on pollution of the ocean and air, the message applies to much more. Deforestation, pollution, energy depletion, endangerment and extinction of key species, chemical side effects of GMO food in the market and ecosystem, depletion of minerals, poor regulation of nuclear waste, medical waste, and many other issues are growing threats that may not affect us, but will affect our descendants because of us. As noted, it is a message we hear often, but if we stop hearing it will the issues be better? These issues get worse even with a growing awareness because many don’t listen. Many hear what money has to say, and not what the planet has to say. It’s saying we will destroy it. Not in our lifetime, but humanity will destroy either Earth or itself in the lifetime of those to come. Let us maintain our first home, the one that made everything possible.
Dumpster Diving was completed in three days by CrafterBoy327. Thank you to those who made renders And thanks to Bramboss for motivation to enter
This was a great build it really told what could happen if we don’t take care of what was given to us from the very beginning when God created the earth. As technology advances will we be able to take the consequences that the advancing technology gives us we need to be ready and this was a good reminder of how we are really treating the earth that was given to us.