Targur version 5.5
In order to play this map you need:
-Optifine / MCPatcher
-Conquest Resourcepack
-Enabled Commandblocks (alternativly switch off the weather with optifine)
This is my new big project called “World of Targur”, which is basically a revival of my old and now cancelled project “World of Elandor”.
I kept the concept and some of the buildings and put or will put them all on a brand new map, adding detail and new stuff everywhere.
If you like it, feel free to leave a diamond ;)
Dimmerstone is a small village right at the edge of a big marchland / swamp, which still needs to be done yet. The swamp will feature my own custom trees. The style of the houses of this village are inspired by Witcher 3.
Interiors for Dimmerstone: Partly done
Based on Elandor city: -none-
built by: minecrafttalsi
corrumpt map
Not sure how you’re getting a corrupt map. I just tested it myself and everything is fine. Even others are playing it downloaded from here.