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Data Value / Item List

Below you will find the popular Minecraft data value chart or item list. Which ever you prefer to call it. Here you can see all the number values each item in game represents. This is a great tool if your a server admin and need to give yourself or others items.  Example below.

/give <playername> <item> [amount]

Example: /give fiala06 276 3

This would end up giving the player (fiala06) 3 diamond Swords! Yahooo!

Minecraft data value item id list chart

There is a lot of other sites where you can find this list but we have seen some of them pretty confusing or filled with a lot of useless information so hopefully this one makes it clear for you on how to use them, it’s pretty easy and if you are new to Minecraft it shouldn’t be a problem to add items to your game.

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