In 2115, the “Sameness For Better Future” scheme was launched; Over 150 countries acceded to the agreement. As part of the master plan, every innovator, dreamer and scientist were banished from Planet Earth. However, they did not give up on hope yet. Instead, they started their own civilization and built the city of tomorrow on the clouds.
One day, you were caught trying to spread messages promoting creativity. As a result, you were given the punishment of being exiled. As you make your way into the outer space, a bright light flashed in front of your eyes, temporarily blinding you and the two peacekeepers guarding you.
The next thing you know, you were lying in an unfamiliar place, seemingly hundred of miles above ground.
The rest of the journey is up to you. Click here to download the map.
Telecommunication Tower
Residential Towers
Office Towers
Government HQ
Docking Port (With full interior!)
Monorail system (coming soon!)
Underground walkways (coming soon!)
Gravitation field generator (coming soon!)
What’s the texture pack in the snapshots?
its a mod called shaders