Home » Buildings » Minecraft Castles Builds » Beast’s Enchanted Castle

Beast’s Enchanted Castle

Beast’s enchanted Castle
by DennisBuilds and Kellerbier

This is a recreation of the Castle from the old Disney movie “The Beauty and the Beast”.

Be our guest, take a look and step inside the Beast’s enchanted castle.
There are a loot of rooms which have to be explored.
So go ahead and hit the download button and get yourself lost in the castle.
But be quiet because otherwise you might wake the Beast ;)

You can use this project for what ever you want as long as you give proper credits.

Note this was a coop-project by me and Dennisbuilds.
Make sure to check out his stuff as well

Video: Dennisbuilds
Render: Acridine, Splekh, Dennisbuilds

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